Meet Donna and Bill Hamilton.
When I arrived in 2 days ago in Titusville, Florida - the closest I could get to the Space Shuttle launch pad - I had no plan. I didn't know where I was going to sleep, I didn't know where I would be able to see the launch from, and I didn't know how I was going cope after just having spent 48 hours on a Greyhound bus. I was in a strange place, many thousands of miles from anyone I knew.
But luckily for me I met Donna and Bill.
Every shuttle launch, the Hamiltons open their riverfront backyard up to as many shuttle enthusiasts as they can squeeze in. For a small donation - all proceeds of which are forwarded to the American Cancer Society - you can enjoy the best view of the launching shuttle outside of NASA headquarters. Donna and Bill also provide the luxury of a clean bathroom, hot coffee, fresh donuts and a live simulcast of NASA TV in their garage. If you get in early enough, they'll also let you camp in their backyard.
And so despite the threat of million strong crowds and the tourist mania that descends on the small town of Titusville on launch days, I had the good fortune to get a great night's sleep and enjoy the spectacle amongst the friendly and welcoming crowd of "Donna's Donators". By the end of the emotional launch, it felt almost like I was among family.
It makes me wonder what a happy place the world would be like if all fundraising was this mutually rewarding. The Hamiltons backyard parties have been so successful that the American Cancer Society nets about $5000 per launch.
Kind of a shame its the last one, I guess.
Of course, you might be waiting to hear about what I thought of the launch, my opinions about the future of manned space-flight and my reflections about humanity's direction in general but in the wake of yesterdays events that's all going to take a little more time for me to process.
Until then, I just want to thank Donna and Bill again for their incredible hospitality. Whether or not we have the means or desire to expand human exploration of outer-space in the current social and economic climate, its certainly not stopping the Hamiltons from making their own small steps for human-kind right here and now on earth.
Finishing what I started... and then some.